Eau de Parfum (Perfume)

Class Description


Learn about perfume types and ratios


Grasp the basics of perfumery 


Olfactory training and scent pairing practice

製作10ml50ml濃香水 (留香長達8-10小時)

Make your own 10 or 50ml Eau de Parfum [EDP] (last up to 10 hours!!)

多達50款香水原料 (包括前、中、後調)

Up to 50 fragrance bases to choose from

上課後一個月內可以優惠價$600加購50ml香水 $200加購10ml便攜裝香水 (原價: $700/$280)

Enjoy the following discount for purchasing another bottle of your own formula within one month after workshop: $600 for 50ml EDP ; $200 for 10ml EDP



原價 Original Price:

$450 (10ml連便攜布袋)

$800 (50ml連禮盒)

二人同行 Group Discount:

每位$420 pp (10ml連便攜布袋)

每位$750 pp (50ml連禮盒)

***10ml Roll-on (滾珠頭) +$20

10ml perfume bottle comes in a fabric bag; 50ml perfume bottle comes in a white gift box 


需時約2小時 Time Required ~2hours 

Group discount is available for a group of two people or above. Private class can be arranged for a group of 3 to 5 people 

Why Us?

師資經驗 Experienced Instructor


地點方便 Prime Location

位於尖沙咀中心地帶(鄰近K11 Art Mall),交通方便

小班教學 Small Class Size


專業攝影 Portrait Photoshoot


教室氣氛 Minimalist Studio Design


禮品包裝 Gift Packaging

The Sniff Studio 品牌以簡約輕奢的包裝聞名,上課作品適合送禮自用