Class Description
製作乾花香薰蠟片(只作掛飾 不能燃點)
Make and decorate your own wax tablet (for deco purpose ONLY)
Learn about the basic concept of color toning
Find out the best flower arrangement
More than 20 imported fragrance oils to choose from
More than 30 types of dried flowers to choose from
原價 Original Price: $350 (一個 making one) | $500 (兩個 making two)
二人同行 Group Discount: 每位$320 pp (一個 making one) | $450 pp (兩個 making two)
需時約2小時 Time Required ~ 2hours
Group discount is available for a group of two people or above. Private class can be arranged for a group of 3 to 4 people